One reason time management may be so difficult might be because many people tend to take unnecessary breaks. Many people like to relax and thus they take breaks which may lead to ineffective use of their time
Another reason managing time is hard might be that there are a lot of distractions that take place in the household or workplace. Television and cellular devices may be some distractions for some people and it may cause them to waste time for other, more important things.
One more reason time management is difficult may be because many people like to procrastinate. By pushing things to the end it may result in not having enough time to complete the task.
If we could begin to think more seriously about why time management is so difficult, we may find ways to improve and use our time more efficiently rather than taking breaks or relaxing.
Revising this persons paper helped a lot. It helped me figure out what to include in my microtheme and what not to include. It helped me revise my draft more effectively since I had an idea on what I was looking for. Not only did it help my draft but it sharpened my skills of revising which haven't always been the greatest, so that was a benefit too.
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